Embedding linked images in Illustrator 2023

If you’re a disorganized person and have ever come across the following image:

You know you’re in danger.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to embed images inside your AI file so you don’t need to worry about losing assets or waiting for downloads from a cloud backup.

Key terms:
– Linked images:
 Images are stored on your SSD/HDD and can get lost, leaving your document incomplete.
– Embedded images: Images are stored in the illustrator file, and a designer opening your file will not need any external files (you should embed fonts too) to open and edit your document.

1 — Go to Window>Links.
This will open up the links window. If there is a chain icon next to the asset, it is a linked (not embedded) item.

2 — Click on “Go to link” in the links window.

3 — Open Properties by again using the Window tab.
This will open the Properties window.

4 — Click on “Embed” under “Quick Actions”

Do that for all of your links, save, and you’re good to go!
(You can select and embed more than one at a time)

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Stay creative!

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